Transnationalism, Diasporas, Cross-Border Connections
- A Century of Transnationalism: Immigrants and their Homeland Connections (edited with Nancy Green; University of Illinois Press, 2016).
- The Cross-Border Connection: Immigrants, Emigrants, and their Homelands, (Harvard University Press, 2015.
- “Cross-border Politics: Diasporic Mobilization and State Response,” (with Tahseen Shams), Annual Review of Sociology, V 49, 2023: 401-419
- “After the transnational turn: Looking across borders to see the hard face of the nation-state,” International Migration V 61, 1 (2023): 92-104
- “Foreign Connections and the Difference They Make: How Migrant Ties Influence Political Interest and Attitudes in Mexico,” (with Lauren Duquette-Rury and Nelson Lim), Comparative Migration Studies, 2018 6:35.
- “Bridging the territorial divide: immigrants’ cross-border communication and the spatial dynamics of their kin networks,” (with Sung Park), Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 2016, DOI: 10.1080/1369183X.2016.1211003
- “Emigrant Politics, Immigrant Engagement: Homeland Ties and Immigrant Political Identity in the United States,” (with Lauren Duquette), Russell Sage Journal of Social Science, 2016, Volume: 2, Issue: 3, pp. 42-59
- “Origins and Destinations: a rejoinder,” (with Renee Luthra and Thomas Soehl), Ethnic and Racial Studies, V 42, 13 (2019): 2302-2309.
- “The politics of cross-border engagement: Mexican emigrants and the Mexican state,” Theory and Society, V43, 5 (2014).
- “The bounded polity: The limits to Mexican emigrant political participation,” (with Thomas Soehl), Social Forces, V 91, 4 (2013): 1239-1266
- “Between “here” and “there”: Immigrant cross-border activities and loyalties,” International Migration Review, Vol. 42 No. 1 Spring 2008.
- “‘Immigrant ‘Transnationalism’ and the Presence of the Past,” in Elliott Barkan, et. al., eds. Borders, Boundaries, And Bonds: America And Its Immigrants In Eras Of Globalization, New York: New York University Press, 2008: 267-285
- “Transnationalism in Question,” (with David Fitzgerald) American Journal of Sociology, V 109, 5 (2004): 1177-95
Citizenship, legal status, national identity
- “Differentiated Legality: Understanding the Sources of Immigrants’ Deportation Fear.” (with Nathan I. Hoffmann, and Tianjian Lai), Ethnic and Racial Studies, V 27, 6 (2024): 1085-1108
- “When fear spreads: individual- and group-level predictors of deportation worry among Latino immigrants,” (with Tianjian Lai and Nathan I. Hoffman), Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies V 49, 11 (2023): 2968-2719
- “Nationalising foreigners: The making of American national identity,” (with Thoomas Soehl and Renee Luthra) Nations and Nationalism, V 28, 1 (2022): 47-65
- “Accelerating the Passage to Citizenship: Marriage and Naturalization in France,” (with Haley McAvay) Frontiers in Sociology (2021)
- “Social Politics: The importance of the family for naturalization decisions of the 1.5 generation,” (with Thomas Soehl and Renee Luthra), Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 46, 7 (2020): 1240-1260
- “Naturalization” in Immigrant California : Understanding the Past, Present, and Future of U.S. Policy, Edited by David FitzGerald and John Skrentny, Palo Alto: Stanford University Press, 2020.
- “Civic stratification and the exclusion of undocumented immigrants from cross-border health care,” (with Jacqueline Torres), Journal of Health and Social Behavior, 2015, V. 56 (4): 438-459.
The Debate over Assimilation
- Origins and Destinations: The Making of the Second Generation (with Renee Reichl Luthra and Thomas Soehl; Russell Sage, 2018)
- (with Renee Luthra and Thomas Soehl) “Reconceptualizing Context: A Multilevel Model of the Context of Reception and Second‐Generation Educational Attainment.” International Migration Review (2017)
- “The Cross-Border Connection: a rejoinder,” Ethnic and Racial Studies, 38:13, (2015) 2305-2313, DOI: 10.1080/01419870.2015.1058506
- “A cross-border perspective on migration: beyond the assimilation/transnationalism debate,” Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, V 43, 1 (2017): 3-17,
- “Crossing Borders: International Migration in the New Century,” Contemporary Sociology, V42, 3 (2013): 349-63.
- “Immigration: The New American Dilemma,” Daedalus, V. 140, 2 (2011): 215-225.
- “Transforming Foreigners into Americans,” Pp. 137-48 in Mary Waters and Reed Ueda, eds., The New Americans, Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2007.
- “The 21st Century: An Entirely New Story,” in Tamar Jacoby, ed., Reinventing the Melting Pot: Will Today’s Immigrants Become Americans?, New York: Basic, 2003, pp. 75-85.
- “The Sociology of Immigration: Second Thoughts and Reconsiderations,” in Host Societies and the Reception of Immigrants, edited by Jeffrey G. Reitz. San Diego: Center for Comparative Immigration Research, 2003, pp. 21-43.
- “The Bounded Community: Turning Foreigners into Americans in 21st Century Los Angeles,” Ethnic and Racial Studies, V 30, 7 (2007) 341-74.
- “Foreigners Transformed: International Migration and the Making of a Divided People,” Diaspora, (2003): 12, 2: 247-72.
- “Today’s Second Generation: Getting Ahead or Falling Behind?,” (with Renee Reichl), in Michael Fix, ed. Securing the Future: US Immigrant Integration Policy, A Reader, Washington, D.C.: Migration Policy Institute, 2007, 17-41.
- “Bad jobs, good jobs, no jobs? The employment experience of the Mexican American second generation,” (with Nelson Lim and David Cort), Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, V. 33, 1 (2007): 1-35.
- “Did Manufacturing Matter? The experience of yesterday’s second generation: a reassessment,” International Migration Review, V 41, 1 (Spring 2007): 3-39.
- “Will the new second generation experience ‘downward assimilation’? Segmented assimilation re-assessed,” (with Cynthia Feliciano) Ethnic and Racial Studies, V 27, 3 (2004): 376-402.
- “Second Generations: Past, Present, Future” (with Joel Perlmann), Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, V. 24, 1, 1998.
- “Second Generation Decline? Immigrant Children Past and Present — A Reconsideration” (with Joel Perlmann), International Migration Review, Vol 31, no. 4, 1997.
The Economic Sociology of Immigration
- How the Other Half Works: Immigration and the Social Organization of Labor, (with Michael Lichter), Berkeley: University of California Press, 2003.
- “Celebrating the enduring contribution of Birds of Passage,” ILR Review, 69 (3), May 2016: 780-782.
- “Unequal Ties: Immigrants’ Initial Social Capital and Labor Market Stratification” (with Sung. Park and Tianjian Lai), Social Forces, V 101, 1 (2022): 473-505
- “Networks and Niches: The Continuing Significance of Ethnic Connections” in Glenn Loury, Tariq Modood and Steven Teles, Race, Ethnicity and Social Mobility in the US and UK, New York: Cambridge University Press, 2003, pp. 343-362.
- “Producing Conflict: Immigration and the Management of Diversity in the Multiethnic Metropolis” (with Michael Lichter) in John Skrentny, ed., Color Lines: Affirmative Action, Immigration, and Civil Rights Options for America, Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2001.
- “The Economic Theory of Ethnic Conflict: A Review and Reformulation,” in Jan Rath, ed., pp. 124-141 in: Jan Rath (ed.), Immigrant Businesses: The Economic, Political and Social Environment (Migration, Minorities and Citizenship Series) Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire: Macmillan Press, 2000
- “Network, Bureaucracy, Exclusion: Recruitment and Selection in an Immigrant Metropolis,” in Frank Bean and Stephanie Bell-Rose, ed., Immigration and Opportunity: Race, Ethnicity, and Employment in the United States, New York: Russell Sage Foundation, 1999, pp. 228-259.
- “Black/Immigrant Competition Re-assessed: New Evidence from Los Angeles,” Sociological Perspectives, V. 40, 2, 1997.
- “The Other Side of Embeddedness: A Case Study of the Interplay of Economics and Ethnicity,” Ethnic and Racial Studies, V. 18, 3 1995.
- “The Making of an Immigrant Niche,” International Migration Review, V. 28, 1 (1994), pp. 3-30.
- “Primary, Secondary, and Enclave Labor Markets: A Training Systems Approach,” (with Thomas Bailey), American Sociological Review, V. 56, 4 (August) 1991: 432-445.
- Strangers at the Gates: New Immigrants in Urban America, Berkeley: University of California Press, 2001.
- Still the Promised City? New Immigrants and African-Americans in Post-Industrial New York, Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1996.
- Ethnic Los Angeles, edited with Mehdi Bozorgmehr, New York: Russell Sage Foundation Press, 1996.
- “New York and Los Angeles as Immigrant Destinations: Contrasts and Convergence,” (with Nancy Foner) in Andrew Beveridge and David Halle, eds. New York and Los Angeles: The Uncertain Future. New York: Oxford. 2013: 343-58.
- “Foreword” to Rafael Alarcon, Luis Escala Rabadan, Olga Odgers Ortiz, Mudando el hogar al norte: trayectorias de integración de los inmigrantes mexicanos en Los Ángeles, Tijuana, MX: Colegio de la Frontera Norte, 2013
- “Migrants and urban labour markets in Europe and North America” (with Malcolm Cross), in Migrants, Minorities and Urban Transformations in Comparative Perspective, edited by Malcolm Cross and Robert Moore, London: Macmillan, 2002.
- “Not the Promised City? Los Angeles and its Immigrants,” Pacific Historical Review, V. 68, 2, 1999, pp. 253-272
- “Immigration and Urban Change,” Annual Review of Sociology, V. 15, 1989, pp. 211-232.
Immigrant Workers and Labor Unions
- “Immigrant Workers and American Labor: Challenge….or Disaster?” (with Claudia Der-Martirosian), in Ruth Milkman, ed., Organizing Immigrants: The Challenge for Unions in Contemporary California, Ithaca, NY: ILR Press/Cornell University Press, 2000, pp. 49-80.
- “Helots No More — A Case Study of the Justice for Janitors Campaign” (first author with Chris Erickson, Ruth Milkman, Daniel J.B. Mitchell, Abel Valenzuela, Kent Wong, and Maurice Zeitlin), in Kate Bronfenbrenner, et. al., eds. Organizing to Win, Ithaca, New York: Cornell University Press, 1997
- Through the Eye of the Needle: Immigrants and Enterprise in New York’s Garment Trades (New York University Press, 1986; paper, 1989).
- Ethnic Entrepreneurs: Immigrant Business in Industrial Society (with Howard Aldrich, Robin Ward, and associates; Newbury Park, CA: Sage, 1990).
- “The Two Sides of Ethnic Entrepreneurship: Reply to Bonacich,” International Migration Review, V. 27, 3, 1993, pp. 692-701.
- “The Ethnic Enclave Debate Revisited,” International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, V. 17, 3, 1993: 428-436.
- “Ethnicity and Entrepreneurship” (with Howard Aldrich), Annual Review of Sociology, V. 16, 1990.
- “Immigrant Enterprise: A Critique and Reformulation,” Theory and Society, V. 15, 1, 1986.
Immigration Policy and the Politics of Immigration
- “Immigration and the election of Donald Trump: why the sociology of migration left us unprepared…and why we should not have been surprised,” Ethnic and Racial Studies, 41.8 (2018): 1411-1426
- Review of Linda Bosniak, The Citizen and the Alien: Dilemmas of Contemporary Membership, International Migration Review, Volume 43, 1 (March 2009): 231-233
- “The Border Within: Citizenship Facilitated and Impeded,” Contemporary Sociology, V 37, 4 (2008)
- “Strangeness at the Gates: The Peculiar Politics of Immigration,” (co-authored with Nazgol Ghandnoosh) International Migration Review, International Migration Review, V. 40, 3 (2006): 719-734.
- “Fiddling While the Border Festers: The Dim Prospects for Immigration Reform,” New Labor Forum, V. 15, 2 (2006):21-29.
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